1.It was a perfect world for Dooku's hidden retreat. The villagers had a fierce sense of privacy and kept his comings and goings secret.
2.It is quite disturbing but I am going to ask you to live in your home as if you were living in a perfect world.
3.The sense of, you know, life could be better, I could join this -- I could be a perfect person, I could join this perfect world.
4.If it was a perfect world, I would be going to New York.
5.In a perfect world, the only thing that you would need to do to reach your fitness goals would be work out occasionally.
6.The world the wisdom of the mother to a pair of hard-working hands, a good heart to create a perfect world. Yung love in my heart!
7.May: Do you know how happy I am? The Ant Kingdom is a perfect world with colorful fairy tales. It seems like the air is fresh here.
8.Jeff: I suppose in a perfect world all services would be perfectly stateless and the Packers would win the Super Bowl every year.
9.In a perfect world, he drives a 4Runner, and the only thing he loves more than me is his golden lab. And a nice smile.
10.In a perfect world, the effectiveness of each course would be tracked and the standards adjusted as necessary.